This would categorize as a favorite thing from the month of April, I like many others enjoy a good puzzle.
Nerd alert. I used to have puzzle books with me whenever I traveled. Recently, more like two months ago, went to Nordstrom Rack and found out they carried my favorite puzzle brand. It could have been one of those random times where thy have them. Who really knows how they function. But I did stock up a little, just a little.

The most difficult thing about Pocket Posh is that it is hard to find a physical store to purchase these lovely things which also makes it hard to keep up with recent editions. So this one is from 2008. But its still good.

This is about to sound like a sponsored post real soon but, I am just so addicted. When you sit on a metro for so long, it's nice to have something to do...
other than people watch...or pulling out the good ol' iPad or Samsung table.

They are the Pocket Posh line form The Puzzle Society. The book itself is smaller than a tablet and twice the size of your iPhone.
Proof that I do pull it out during my commute.
Just in case you didn't believe...
They also make for great gifts.
I love the gorgeous print on the cover! My mother loves these - I may have to order one for her xo