Lists: Black Friday Weekend

So, this morning it dawned on me that more places are extending their "Black Friday" sales! Here are some deals you can get before the end of the day!

1. At Zara, the selection of  "on Sale" products is fair and worth checking out

2. They have a great selection this year! So head over there and grab something, the sale ends tonight!

3. I enjoy my kindle, so everyone should get one also! By the way Amazon does not always do sales so enjoy it when it comes around!

4. As an occasional shopper at Piperlime, found out that they were having a sale also!

5. Almost forgot about Forever 21, get some cute and very cheap things!

Enjoy your day! Tell me what special things or deals you got on Black friday!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I definitely going to check Zara.

    xoxo The Daily Fashion Drug

  2. I did the $15 dollars off at Urban for purchases over $75. It was a christmas gift, so it's nice to check one thing off my list. Great post thanks for the tips<3

    Colour Me Classic

  3. Cool I'll check it !!




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